• Alcohol = drug, corruption

    The Bible promotes alcohol, wine.

    But is it good , or on the opposite a total corruption ?

    Alcohol is contrary to a real built well fruit.

    In a good well built fruit, there is some glucose for the brain and the body.

    In alcohol,  wine, for example, it's the very opposite,

    it does not have sugar anymore, everything was transformed,

    degraded, corrupted, in alcohol.


    The Bible says that wine rejoices the heart ( ps 104, v 15).

    But, Alcohol is terrible to drink  :

    it  burns taste buds,

    => it thus decreases the sensations of the taste and the sense of smell.

    It is very grave because the loss of the taste is a forerunner of Alzheimer.


    The "apostle Paul" says in 1 tim 5: v3 that a counsel would be when with stomach problem,

    "no longer drink water but a little wine."

    But , obviously in its route, it burns everything, the oesophagus and the rest.

    It increases stomach problem for a number of people, according to what I see on the page

    So alcohol is bad for stomach pains, and Bible is wrong.


    The Bible has the famous story of the so-called good Samaritan

    who put wine on wounds (luc ch 10, v 30 to 37).

    But it is also terrible for the body.

    Contrary to what we could believe, alcohol is totally  to be avoided on wounds, and for 3 reasons:
    - alcohol burns, makes suffer, (= > hostile clearly for the senses, thus already an indication)
    - alcohol does not disinfect, does not kill bacteria,
    - And in more alcohol aggravates the problem because it delays the healing.

    Thus to put some wine on a wound is a total heresy,

    and if you see somebody thinking very thoughtful with its medical spirit believing in it, even more, flee from its ignorance.


     So we see that all is wrong on this promotion by the Bible of wine for human.

    And so the Bible promotes a corruption, wine here and so the religions associated

    (judaïsm, christianism, and islam is accomplice of that,

    recognizing the character jesus-Christ and promoting wine in the paradise  - sourate 47).


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